Shawn Lerwill has been an influential trainer for consciousness growth for over a decade. He is highly skilled in astrology as well as having a specialty in psychic readings. From his home base in a 19th-century farmhouse in northern Utah, he is able to serve clients around the globe. A reading with Shawn is a unique, memorable, and valuable experience that leaves clients inspired and empowered to tap into the positive forces at work in their lives.
Shawn Lerwill's life changed dramatically in 1998 after surviving a life-threatening car accident which injured a part of his brain and miraculously opened other parts to compensate. He was forced to perceive the world on a new level, relying almost solely on intuition to navigate his life.
The result of dealing with this setback was the genesis of a powerful ability, which Shawn has utilized to give guidance and ease suffering. His real passion lies with guiding people into oneness in order to tap into the natural gifts we all possess for true elevation and meaningful awakening.
While trained in tarot and astrology, Shawn also uses a direct connection to the higher realms for answers. His heightened sensitivity to subtle energies, which he has come to trust completely, guides his clients into developing their own intuition. Shawn is a presence of gentle consciousness, awareness and understanding. This spirit and lightness creates an environment of comfort and safety with everyone. The abilities to feel beyond the body and to tap into the permeating awareness connecting us all is what makes Shawn, and his sessions, unique.

“Shawn has such an amazing ability to tap into the energy of the universe. His original Life Transitions approach to reading my chart really pinpointed the core issues that I face. Shawn is not just a ordinary reader; I felt like he really understood me and gave such wise advice.” —Shan
“Shawn Lerwill has been an important consultant to my family, friends and patients for many years. He consistently offers deep insights into people's psychological and situational challenges, with wise guidance and a new light on the situations and choices people face. He is kind, and at the same time extremely honest in his assessments. I will continue to refer my patients, friends, and family to him. I really trust his work!” —David, MD
“I love Shawn. I have seen dozens of readers over the years and must say that he is the absolute best in every way. Shawn is a light being and rooted in integrity, which is essential. He is a clear vessel for higher consciousness and is able to bring through love, big empowerment, tremendous clarity, depth of understanding and also a sense of brevity and lightness. I have felt uplifted and enlivened after every reading, no matter how low I might’ve felt beforehand.
Shawn is a masterful astrologer, and his precision and technicality with the numbers and nitty-gritty detail is exact. His approach is holistic, including all beliefs, perspectives, channels, and modalities. In our reads together, I feel as if he reaches down from the heights of universal truth and presents me with what my deeper aspects and higher self already know, but has been hidden from view from my ordinary self. This man is truly amazing.” —Annie